The birth of my two preemies

If this is your first time here, please read McKenzie's and Avery's birth stories!

McKenzie's birth story

Avery's birth story

Friday, July 18, 2008

When it rains it pours

well mom is still in the hospital, since wed 16th, and they cleared her heart, said it looks fine. Now tomorrow she sees the neurologist, and they want to run all kinds of tests and things like that. today after visiting with my mom we came home and found out that phillip's grandma is getting worse! she has been in and out of the hospital a lot recently but is home now, and she is just not doing good. She asked phillips little sister who she was 3 times while they were visiting, and did the same thing to 2 of her sons. i personally think she is showing signs of Alzheimer's. Its going to be very hard on phillip's grandpa if she passes away. If you are out there reading this and can muster up a spare prayer we could really use it.

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