The birth of my two preemies

If this is your first time here, please read McKenzie's and Avery's birth stories!

McKenzie's birth story

Avery's birth story

Saturday, November 13, 2010

NICU, day 20

Tonight was a great night for Avery. I got to hold her and she tolerated it really well. They decreased her oxygen from 38% and she is now at 24% tonight. She is still on the high side of her oxygen saturation too, so they may decrease it again. Also if she continues to be on the high side they will decrease her from 5liters down to probably 4. When i was done holding Avery the nurse had me put her back in her isolette (with a little help of course) so that i could get used to doing it. I was able to check/change her diaper and re-swaddle her too! She is still the same weight as yesterday!

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